Tuesday 10 September 2013

Naval Meteorological Analysis Centre at Kochi

Indian Naval Meteorological Analysis Centre (INMAC) inaugurated at Kochi

Weather prediction, a vital factor in Naval operations planning, received a fillip on 06 Sep 13 with the inauguration of Indian Naval Meteorological Analysis Centre (INMAC) at the Naval Base Kochi on 06 Sep 13. Vice Admiral Pradip Kumar Chatterjee, Deputy Chief of Naval Staff inaugurated the modern facility in the presence of Vice Admiral Satish Soni, Flag Officer Commanding in Chief Southern Naval Command. 
INMAC will synergise the advantages of different methodologies of forecasting – synoptic, climatology-persistence and Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) techniques, with advanced satellite data processing techniques, to ensure speed and objectivity in forecasts. 
INMAC at Kochi on reception of meteorological data from Indian Meteorological Department disseminates this to meteorological offices of the Navy across the country through intranet, after due analysis, plotting and processing. The distribution and dissemination of data is facilitated through a propriety software provided M/s. Wipro- the executor of the project, through M/s. Corobor MESSIR systems. The forecasts, for any location across the globe would be thus be available to Navy’s operation rooms, platforms and aircraft.

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