Wednesday 28 December 2011

Iran threatens to close Strait of Hormuz

The ongoing naval drills in Iran's southern waters should be seen as a serious warning to the West about potential closure of the Strait of Hormuz, the semi-official Fars news agency quoted a senior Iranian lawmaker as saying on Monday

Iranian warship 
"These wargames are a warning to the Western countries about the closure of the Strait of Hormuz," member of the parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Zohreh Elahian told Fars.
"If any threat is posed to Iran, the Islamic Republic is capable of closing the Strait of Hormuz," Elahian said.
"The naval drills in the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman display the power and domination of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Navy over the regional waters," she added.
"The wargames are related to the power of deterrence, dominance and superiority over the region and are a symbol of the defensive and deterrence power of the Islamic republic's ruling system and Armed Forces," said the lawmaker.
"The enforcement of the decision to close of the Strait of Hormuz is certainly within Iran's armed forces' capability," semi-official ILNA labour news agency cited Iranian Navy commander Habibollah Sayyari as saying last week."But such a decision should be made by the country's top authorities."
"Displaying Iran's defensive and deterrent power as well as relaying a message of peace and friendship in the Strait of Hormuz and the free waters are the main objectives of the drill," Sayyari said.
"It will also display the country's power to control the region as well as testing new missiles, torpedoes and weapons," Sayyari said.
The Iranian Navy launched the 10-day massive naval exercises, dubbed "Velayat 90" in the international waters on Saturday as the tension between the West and Iran is running high over the later's nuclear programme.
Different classes of submarines, including Tareq and Ghadir, the newest ground-to-sea missile systems and torpedoes will be employed in the maneuvers.
It is the first time the Iranian Navy carries out naval drills in such a vast area, covering an area of 2,000 km stretching from the east of the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf to the Gulf of Aden, Sayyari said.
The Western countries have long blamed Iran over its nuclear programme but Iran has argued that its nuclear programme is only for peaceful purposes.
Iran's archrivals, the U.S. and Israel, have not ruled out the use of force against Iran over its nuclear issue.
Iranian officials has constantly reaffirmed that Iran would respond to any attacks targeting their country.
Earlier this month, Parviz Sorouri, a member of the Iranian Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, said that Iran plans to practice its ability to close the Strait of Hormuz, one of the world's most important passages for exports of crude oil and oil products from littoral states of the Persian Gulf.
Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said later that closing the Strait of Hormuz is not on Iran's agenda since Iran believes in upholding the stability and peace of the region., December 27, 2011

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